
So many languages are in the verge of extinction.
At least, we must recognize this situation clearly and think of what we can do
to prevent that.
The extinction of language means the lost of our huge variety of culture,
wisdom and history.
Once we lose them, we can not restore anymore.
Basically, I think that diversity is absolutely necessary for human-beings to
progress our civilization.
Therefore, we should do our best to stop this kind of crisis.
By the way, some of people say Japanese language also may be extinct in the future.
Please imagine that we lose all of Japanese history, culture, wisdom...
For the first step, why don't we try to know it a little?
Please refer to related articles.

 - Disappearing Languages -- National Geographic
 - 言語が急激な絶滅の危機にある地球の5つの地域 -- Native Heart
 - 危機に瀕する言語 -- フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

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